Dopo le edizioni slovena e slovacca, è finalmente giunta in libreria anche l'edizione italiana (con testo inglese a fronte) della monografia scritta da Fabio Scaletti sul grande Michelangelo (Scripta Maneant, Bologna, 2021).
Il volume completa la serie dei tre maestri sommi del Rinascimento, dopo Leonardo (2019) e Raffaello (2020).
After the Slovenian and Slovak editions, the Italian edition (with English text opposite) of the monograph written by Fabio Scaletti on the great Michelangelo (Scripta Maneant, Bologna, 2021) has finally arrived in bookstores.
The volume completes the series of the three supreme masters of the Renaissance, after Leonardo (2019) and Raphael (2020).
500 years ago Michelangelo was working at the Risen Christ located in the church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome. He was already the man of the Doni Tondo, of the Vatican Pietà, of the Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and of many other masterpieces; the man who would later make the Last Judgement and, between his various artworks, the frescoes of the Pauline Chapel and the completion of the Tomb of Julius II. It is the history of the Renaissance and the highest Art, the history of the unsurpassed XVI century.
“Michelangelo 500” aims to celebrate the Master and his Myth through his masterpieces, his less celebrated works and his interdisciplinary projects that have characterized the greatness of a supreme Artist, with exclusive images of the Sistine Chapel and detailed updatings on the life and entire artistic path of the greatest Artist of all time.
New exclusive photographic campaign © Scripta Maneant with images of the Sistine Chapel in 1: 1 scale
Description of the volume
Size: 24 x 32,2 cm
Pages: 304
Images: 200 (in prevalenza a piena e doppia pagina)
Text: Italiano/Inglese
ISBN 978-88-95847-86-3
Hardcover with dust jacket printed in four-colors
Printed in four-colors process on 170 gr/mq matt coated paper
Endpapers not printed on Fedrigoni Acquerello Avorio 160 gr/mq.